Provincial Disaster Management Authority

Government of Sindh

Provincial Disaster Management Authority

Government of Sindh

Provincial Disaster Management Authority

Government of Sindh

Provincial Disaster Management Commission (PDMC)

To bring disaster management at gross root level for disaster risk reduction, the National Disaster Management Ordinance of 2006 and NDMA Act 2010 propose a system of provincial Disaster Management Commissions and Authorities to assist the implementation of disaster risk management actions across the country. The Disaster Management Authorities was envisioned as implementing and coordinating agency, with the Provincial Commission serving as the policy-making authority. Henceforth, Provincial Disaster Management Authority and Provincial Disaster Management Commission the epic body were established in all provinces including Sindh. The composition and ToRs of the PDMC are appended below:


The Provincial Commission shall consist of:

  • The Chief Minister of the Province as Chairperson, ex officio.

  • Leader of the opposition and one member nominated by him to be a member of the provincial disaster commission.

  • Other members to be nominated by Chief Minister; and

  • The Chairperson of the Provincial Commission may designate one of the members nominated under clause (c) to be the Vice-Chairperson.

As notified, the composition of the PDMC for Sindh is:


  • Lay down the Provincial disaster management policy.

  • Lay down the Provincial Plan in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the National Commission.

  • Approve the disaster management plans prepared by the departments of Provincial Disaster Management Authorities.

  • Review the implementation of the plan.

  • Oversee the provision of funds for mitigation and preparedness measures.

  • Review the development plans of the different departments of the Province and ensure that prevention and mitigation measures are integrated therein.

  • Review the measures being taken for mitigation, capacity building, and preparedness by the departments of the Provincial Government and issue such guidelines or directions as may be necessary.

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