The Government of Sindh and especially Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA)
Sindh realizes and recognize that disasters are hindering the province’s growth and poverty
reduction efforts. Disaster risk management (DRM), which is a combination of disaster risk
reduction (DRR) and disaster management concepts, was therefore adopted as one of the core focus areas of the Strategy, whose long-term goal vis-à-vis disaster management is to reduce the socioeconomic impact of disasters and to build a strong disaster management mechanism. PDMA Sindh has in the past decade not only advocated a paradigm shift from a reactive to a more proactive approach, it has put in place institutional mechanisms and developed policies and strategies for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction at provincial level under guidance of NDMA and aligned with NDMA national strategies. The Government of Sindh continues to highlight disaster risk management and disaster risk reduction as key focus areas for achieving sustainable economic growth.